Friday, September 24, 2010

Where to stand

What is going on???

I'm thinking a lot about friends at the moment, those lost, those gained, those who I am no longer sure about where I stand with.

I am leaving for Sydney at the end of this year and I've decided I need to know where I stand with people because I need closure, and because I need to feel that I am not running away.

I really need a little confirmation that this path I'm beginning on will be good for me and for Toddy. That this big leap I'm making is for the best. So if anyone has any insights for the cards, or guides, or intuition, or anything really please let me know...

Where do I stand with you?
Where do you stand with me?
Do we know??

Monday, September 20, 2010

I should be asleep right now

I should be asleep right now.
Soooooooooooo tired.

But I have to finish a sketch that is taking me forever and yet looks much better when not viewed up close.


Oh well it'll be done and that is the main thing I guess.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

R.I.P. Laura

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

May God be with you and bless you:
May you see your children's children.
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.

May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.

Gentle rest, Laura.
May the Goddess keep you safe until you return again.

Friday, September 10, 2010


So I seems that Sydney is what will be. For Toddy to do his masters, for me to finish my degree, for us to move on to the next chapter.


Align CenterWow

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where to go from here...

Where do I go from here?

Todd has found a course in Sydney, I've found a course in Sydney.
Both of us will only have two more years of student poverty.
I don't know if I am ready for Sydney, I know I will have to be at some stage.

Still though I worry-
Will I get in?
Will I be able to cope?
Will we find somewhere to live?
Can we afford it?

If some one feels like laying some cards down for me it would be very much appreciated.
I so desperately need insight right now.